Schools Aren’t Failing…

Parents Are.

When schools are doing much of the parenting, kids are not prepared to be their best selves.  Thus the academic results are poor.   …more to come.

God bless your family.

4 thoughts on “Schools Aren’t Failing…

  1. ooohh….. idunno. my frustration comes more from school admin enabling poor behavior or promoting children to the next grade w no integrity. when i speak w parents on the phone, i feel they want to be supportive and will do what they can, but there is considerable within the school environment that is not addressed adequately.

    • Interesting. I too have experienced that type of leadership. Of course there will always be those administrators who make decisions which are not in the best interest of the district. Sometimes they are at the mercy of the Board’s directives. Sadly.
      I am specifically talking about ‘failing schools’. Money keeps being thrown at schools in hopes that these schools will improve. In fact, violence continues to escalate. Failing is a huge problem and absenteeism is at a all time high. All of that, in my opinion falls back in the lap of the failure of the family to send a student who values and is receptive to an education.
      Buffalo is now looking at a program which sends teachers to the homes of truant children in hopes of getting them to school. I guess it’s being done in other big cities. I find that atrocious!

  2. I have always found parents want to help but have many other problems as to sitting down and helping. I have found two real good methods of helping with this though. I am flipping my classes and posting to a LMS system we are using called Haiku so the parents can see the lesson and understand better. The other thing that has helped me immensely is I only tutor before school now. It can be problematic for parents to get their kids their early but I’m their an hour and a half every day before school now rather than after school. Tutoring after school the kids were all wound up had all sorts of other things on their minds from the days happenings and full of energy and talk. I would be lucky to actually get 10-15 minutes of actual attention and work from them after school in an hour. Before school they are tired but focused and just want to get caught up. I have had numerous parents complain about having to bring their kid in in the morning but I just tell them I understand and that they don’t have to but I don’t do it after school and I explain why. If they really care they figure it out, if they don’t they won’t, doesn’t matter I’m not getting paid for the time and I’m not required to. Most parents want their kids to succeed though so they figure it out.

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